Here we are! At the end of 2022, has blown its 15 candles. 15 years of existence, many successes, some setbacks, but above all: growing expertise in supporting SMEs that think big. Specialists in tailor-made solutions to help you achieve your export business objectives and your international development, we were keen to celebrate our anniversary by telling you about our journey. And why not persuade you to use our services or join our network of partners that extends from Europe to North America, via the Middle East and Oceania. Happy reading!

2007: Birth of our project in Switzerland

It was in Switzerland that the adventure was born. The husband and wife team of Thomas and Karin Meier joined forces to help small and medium-sized innovative companies looking for growth. Their strengths? Multiple leadership roles for him — in finance, automotive, fine food and medical technology. For her, rich professional experience: within the pharmaceutical group Novartis, at Swissair as flight attendant,  but also as mother of two daughters. 

2008 to 2010: new mandates and first major successes

Initially focused on health technologies, we rapidly diversify our target clientele notably by collaborating with the agri-food industry and the professional sports equipment industry, including Stöckli Swiss Ski, which sponsors us on a distribution and logistics project.

At the same time, we’re growing our knowledge of the medical sector with new mandates in women’s health and dental health as well as with the multinational Novartis! 

Above all, we’re reaping the fruits of one of our flagship projects: more than 7 million euros generated in 18 months by our American client ICU Medical around the marketing of its diabetic infusion kit. Through ongoing collaboration with their Italian branch, we have been able to build a strong network of resellers to relaunch the product in the US and European markets. In particular, the packaging and communication elements have been revised to meet the concerns of European customers. A good move that surprised many competitors!

Sales process optimization, distribution and logistics are just a few of our many services. 

2011 to 2017: An expanding network of partners

With a network of some 30 European partners, we work with leading clients in Israel and Canada. In an effort to build bridges between continents, we also sign mandates with two European SMEs wishing to establish themselves in North America. 

In doing so, we’re adding new areas of expertise: commercial packaging, hospital waste treatment, telemedicine, surface treatments for medical implants, ophthalmology and even — as part of a top secret project! — printing banknotes.

2018 to 2021: also internationalizes!

2018 marks an important turning point in the adventure: to support our North American customers on the ground, and those wishing to establish themselves there, we are launching our branch in Montreal. 

Two years later, the Covid-19 pandemic hit hard and prompted us to support SMEs in difficulty in the areas of professional life-saving and cooking equipment. Nor do we forget our home country, and design a network of consumables for diabetics in Switzerland. 

Our areas of intervention, meanwhile, are constantly expanding: we are supporting an innovative proposal in oncology, while opening up to the aerospace and communication sectors based on 5G technology.

Finally, 2021 marks a record year in terms of managed mandates: more than 40% of our former clients are returning to us for new missions!

Thomas Meier at the MedTech Conference in Boston with Serge-Eric Blais, Director of Turtlebrace in Quebec. (All rights reserved,

2022: The future lies ahead

We entered our fifteenth year with confidence, proud of our journey. These months of October and November 2022 also gave us the opportunity to see again — after 3 years of pandemic — old and current clients during the MedTech conference season in which we actively participated! 

These meetings in Düsseldorf and Boston were also an opportunity to meet potential partners and prospects to pave the way for new successes in 2023. 

And who knows, maybe with you?